Resource: Definitions and Examples of Title IX Violations

Gender Discrimination

Gender Discrimination is defined as the following by Title IX:

  • Gender discrimination is defined as the following by Title IX:
  • Discrimination or harassment based upon one’s gender (sex)
  • Unfair treatment, attitudes, or behaviors towards an individual based upon their gender (sex)
  • Gender identity discrimination as covered by Title VII
  • Sexism, sexist attitudes, and sex stereotyping
  • Unproportionate athletic programs or activities offered to all genders in relationship to the college’s enrollment


  • gender-based bullying
  • derogatory or sexist remarks
  • gender discrimination in an activity, athletics, program, office, or classroom

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is defined as the following by Title IX:

  • Unwanted sexual behavior, advances, or requests for favors
  • Unwelcomed verbal, visual, or physical sexual conduct
  • Offensive, severe, and/or frequent remarks about a person’s sex
  • Harassment of a sexual nature which interferes with an individual’s right to an education and participation in a program or activity


  • stalking or obscene phone calls, texts, emails, or gestures
  • sexually suggestive jokes, whistles, catcalls, or innuendos
  • inappropriate touching
  • intimidation

Sex Violence

Sex Violence is defined as the following by Title IX:

  • Sexual abuse or assault, battery, or coercion
  • Unwanted sexual contact that stops short of rape or completed rape
  • Use of force or manipulation of unwanted sexual activity
  • Physical acts where a person is incapable of giving consent or is against a person’s will


  • sexual assault, battery, or coercion
  • attempted or completed rape
  • inappropriate touching
  • physical and/or aggressive sexual advances


Retaliation is defined as the following by Title IX:

  • A strike back in response to another’s action or accusation
  • a form of revenge or reaction because of a filed complaint against a person
  • refusal to promote, advance, or accurately support/qualify a person due to a complaint filed


  • demotion or prohibiting advancement due to a filed complaint
  • firing, loss of benefits, or the like due to a filed complaint
  • unfair treatment or discrimination due to a filed complaint

Hostile Environment

Hostile Environment is defined as the following by Title IX:

  • A situation of discriminatory or sexual nature that has occurred and created a adverse setting
  • An intimidating or offensive environment that causes a person to be fearful
  • A setting that denies, limits, or interferes with a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from a program, activity, or job


  • Bullying, abusive or intimidating comments and actions
  • Intimidating or offensive comments that alter the conditions of a person’s work, classroom, team, or program environment
  • Continual offensive comments or surroundings of a discriminatory or sexual nature

(read more from Ventura College)

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