Dear BYU Students

crop black man working at home
Photo by Andres Ayrton on

I have been on the phone with several organizations who are very interested in how you’re being treated by BYU.

For example, the US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, is interested in the experiences of students who are protected by the Civil Rights Act which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation and gender identity.

If you are part of a protected community, I am collecting statements for the OCR about ways in which you do not feel safe on BYU’s campus. I realize that many folks have been able to avoid interacting with the HCO, the Title IX office, or the BYU Police, but still feel unsafe on campus or in campus housing. If this is you, you deserve to be protected and feel safe in pursuing your education at BYU.

If you’d like to submit an experience, please do that here.

Also, please share this form with anyone you know who should have been protected and made to feel safe so we can gather more information. I promise to keep your identity secret, unless you consent to sharing that information. I will always check with you first.

PS Under Title VII, minorities who are employees, faculty, and staff should also be protected from workplace harassment. If you have an experience to share, please feel free to contribute.

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