Share your Experience If you’ve had an experience with the BYU Honor Code Office, the Title IX office, the Survivor Advocate or are a BYU student who reported to the Provo PD, please share your experience. All experiences—good or bad—are welcome. Legal name, which won't be displayed Email, for getting in contact with you What has your experience been with BYU HCO, Title IX, Survivor Advocate, and/or Provo PD? What has happened to make you feel unsafe on BYU campus? What is the approximate date this occurred?(required) Are you a member of a federally-protected minority? Mark all that apply: Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Asexual, etc Gender: transgender, agender, non-binary, cis female Race: Black, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander Disablilty National Origin Do you give us permission to share your experience? (required) Yes No Submit